If you want to have a camping trip but don't want to go to other camping sites that cost money or are unmanned. Why not just have a camping trip in your backyard. You can lie on the grass and look up at the stars without worrying about being too far from home or safety issues (especially if you have kids). Whether you are a seasoned adventurer or an annual type of camper, the benefits of pitching a canopy tent overnight or for two nights in your garden or backyard are priceless. A little bit of fun, adventure, and excitement can provide you with a unique experience. Yes, with the right arrangements, backyard camping can be just as much fun as an overnight stay in the wild. So next I'll introduce you to some great backyard products for backyard camping as well as some great ideas.
The benefits of backyard camping
Backyard camping may not feel the same as when camping in the wild, but it has different benefits. Save time and money by camping in your backyard without having to drive long distances to other outdoor sites. Afterward, you have to drive home again, which not only tends to make people tired but also spends a lot of time on the road. Of course, many well-managed camping sites cost a lot of money to rent, plus the equipment you purchased, which can cost a lot of money. Camping in the backyard, on the other hand, does not cost a lot of money, you just need to prepare the outdoor equipment to be able to proceed smoothly.

It Is More Safe Camping in the backyard than camping in the wild where there is a possibility of danger happening. Especially when there are children around, you don't want any danger to happen to them.
More convenient. You do not need to carry heavy camping equipment and food boxes around, these things you can easily solve at home. You don't have to worry about whether your food will spoil or whether your camping clothes are adequately prepared. The most important point is that the toilet in wild camping may not be as clean as you think. As long as you have time you will be able to start camping activities in your backyard with no time limit at all.
Perfect for newbies. The simplicity and convenience of backyard camping allow newcomers to adapt to camping without the burden, and once you are interested or even hooked on camping life you can start to gain experience. Such experience can help you in your future wilderness camping.
Things you need for backyard camping
The first thing you need naturally is a camping tent. Take your tent out and find a smooth, flat surface in your backyard. Lay a mat or sleeping bag on the floor of your tent, which will give you extra comfort.

After placing the tent, the 10x10 canopy will be your best helper in the backyard camping. During the daytime, you can place the pop-up canopy in your backyard. It can give you a separate space in which you can sit and relax to rest. The top of the pop-up canopy is made of 420D Oxford fabric and PU cover, which can be waterproof while achieving upf50+ UV protection. At the same time, removable sidewalls in addition to the functionality of wind resistance can also protect you from mosquitoes. If you want to maintain ventilation then you can open the zipper door to ensure the inflow of fresh air.
By the end of the day, you can have a romantic outdoor dinner with your family and friends inside the pop-up canopy. Then put the camping tent inside the pop-up canopy, the roof can protect you from the rain. The wind-resistant sidewalls on both sides will keep you warm on cold nights, while also enhancing privacy while camping. No matter what the weather is like, the pop up canopy with sides can provide you with double protection.

Lighting. Even though you are camping in your backyard, you should at least have a headlamp or flashlight. But preferably something more atmospheric, such as lanterns, string lights (solar ones are great) or even candles from the supermarket. But be careful to keep candles away from combustible materials to avoid hazards.
Bonfire. When night comes, nothing will be better than a campfire. The fire adds more ambiance and the crackling of the campfire will make you think you're camping in the wild. It can also keep you warm and has some effect on mosquitoes. But be sure to pay attention to the condition of the campfire, please prevent a bucket of water nearby to avoid certain problems with it.
Food is certainly a must-have. Although the kitchen is not far away, with a campfire then hot dogs and roasted marshmallows are the menus of choice. String them on a stick and you can sit around the campfire with your family and chat while roasting food, which can be a lot of fun. And don't forget the s'mores, the only ingredients needed are cookies, chocolate, and marshmallows to create a classic dessert. Perfect to enjoy while camping.

Ideas for a camping event
Even if it's just camping in the backyard, fun activities can't be missed. Some ideas for camping activities will be given here.
- Treasure Hunt. Both adults and children can participate in the process by placing a treasure in the middle of the backyard. By giving participants hints and riddles, the problem-solving process brings everyone together and enhances the fun of the event.
- Sitting around the campfire telling stories. A camping night is not complete without stories, and everyone gathers together to sit around the campfire. You can start telling stories about your recent life and get to know each person's recent history. After that, the horror stories should come on the scene, whether it is a real experience or a made-up one, each person a horror story can keep you awake at night.
- Lay down and look at the stars. Choose an open view and lie down on a blanket to turn off all the lights. Relax and look at the stars in comfort, and with a little luck, you may be able to get a sky full of stars. Search for your constellation image, you may be able to find it. Under the stars, you can forget the stress of life and relieve the accumulated fatigue. When you wake up, it will be a new day.

That's it, backyard camping is actually like a short family vacation. It's a great opportunity to save you from the dullness of life, and it's also a great opportunity for the kids to get involved in the setup and building process, improving their collaboration and practical skills. There is no age limit for backyard camping, so you can act as long as you want. If you are interested in backyard camping just follow this list and hopefully, you will have a perfect experience.