Summertime is the time of year when many people will choose to take a trip. Whether it's a camping trip to the woods or a trip to the beach for a nice weekend. Or maybe driving to a nearby town with the family. Also many people will choose to enjoy a simple, relaxing evening in the backyard. So what are some summer activities for families with dogs?

Perhaps most people will still walk their dogs with the same frequency as they have always done. And will take their dogs along on holiday trips, letting them play with each other or chase squirrels in the park. Believe me, they will act very happy. But summer is not considered safe for dogs in terms of temperature, ground temperature, direct sunlight, humidity, etc. Are you familiar with the dos and don'ts of taking your dog out in the summer heat?



For many “new parents” who don't know much about their dog's habits yet. Here you will be able to learn what you need to pay attention to when raising a dog in the summer.

The behavior of dogs in heatstroke

You need to know that the temperature your dog feels is different from what you feel. The ground temperature that they feel is higher than humans. So the chances of your dog getting heatstroke in the hot summer outdoors will be high. Once the heatstroke for more two hours, the mortality rate of dogs is more than 90%. So, the owner needs to pay special attention to the behavior of the dog. Once certain symptoms appear, it means that the dog has heatstroke.

Signs of mild heat stroke

  • Lethargy, accelerated breathing, staggering gait pattern. Dogs panting with their mouths open more often, having difficulty breathing, blue and purple mouths and tongues, and panting with a distinct murmur.
  • Much higher than usual body temperature.
  • Flushing at the hairless skin of the abdomen, with blood spots and blood spots.
  • The normal body temperature of dogs is between 38 ℃ a 39 ℃(100-102°F), and the causes of heatstroke in dogs such as can not be eliminated in time. Then the dog's body temperature continues to rise, if more than 41 ℃(105°F), the dog's internal organs will be damaged.
  • Some dogs soon after heatstroke neurological disorder, their head tilted back, unstable, fallen spasms, coma, increasing body temperature, even to 42 ℃(107°F) or more.
dogs in heatstroke

Symptoms of severe heat stroke

  • Sudden depression, unresponsiveness, unsteady gait, and an elevated body temperature of 40°C or more. Tachycardia, with the development of pulmonary congestion and edema when. The high degree of respiratory distress, protruding eyes, and pink, foamy fluid coming from the nostrils.
  •  A few cases of excitement and mania, some rushing, foaming at the mouth, peripheral veins rage, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath to difficulty.
  • If the treatment is not timely, the dog quickly collapses, spasms, convulsions, and finally dies due to asphyxia and heart paralysis.

How to avoid heatstroke in dogs

Adequate hydration

Summer is a torturous time, especially for long-haired dogs. So owners must remember to give their dogs water throughout the day and to change the water daily to keep it clean and sanitary. Dogs are best-fed room temperature water, and if you want to cool it down you can add a small cube of ice.

If you are outdoors, don't let your dog drink from puddles, pools, or streams unless you are sure the water source is clean. Bacteria or parasites are always out of sight. Bring your clean water to reduce the chance of parasites or bacterial infections. Dogs with short noses, like French bulldogs and other short-nosed dogs, need more care. These dogs have more difficulty dissipating heat and can often be cooled by spraying their nose area with water in the summer.

Hydration for dog


Provide shade

Whether you go camping, have a picnic in the park, or play on the backyard lawn. It is very important to provide a cool space for your dog. A pop-up canopy is not only a cool space for people, but it is also a great companion for dogs. The top canopy is made of waterproof and UV-protective fabric that keeps out the sun. And the simple frame is easy to install based on being easy to carry. It is very convenient to go outdoors and use everywhere.

Especially the screen tent, to prevent mosquitoes and insects at the same time maintaining ventilation. Never let you feel hot and stuffy. Second, you can also prepare an ice pad for the dog to lie on. Used to insulate the ground from the heat.

canopy tent and dog


Change of walking time

It is best to take your dog out in the morning or evening when the temperature is cooler during the summer months. Avoid activities in the hot sun to prevent heatstroke. Try to let them play in the shade, and remember to make sure not to put your dog in a car or other outdoor enclosed environment. A dog's main heat dissipation area is the paws. If the ground temperature is too high, it will not be comfortable to walk. Cooler temperatures can also make dogs more energetic when they are outside and don't forget to clean up after you get home from a walk.

walking dog


How to first aid a dog with heatstroke

If a dog shows signs of heat stroke, the following responses should be made immediately.

  • If the dog is suffering from heatstroke outdoors, they should be moved immediately to a cooled room or a shaded area to help them recover.
  • Besides, collars, chest straps, bells, and other items on the dog should be removed immediately.
  • Less severe cases can be placed in a ventilated area, with cold water poured over the body or the dog standing in cold water.
  • Severely comatose dogs have ice packs placed on the head and ice cubes placed around the body surface. And use alcohol to wipe the underbelly, armpits, ears, and paws. Yet, do not use too much alcohol.
  • In addition to taking the above measures, the dog should be sent to a veterinary hospital as soon as possible for treatment and conditioning. Cold towels should also be wrapped to cool the dog during transport to the hospital, and the dog should be kept in a low head position to allow for smooth breathing.
dogs eat ice


Other Tips

Dog hair has a protective effect and needs to be protected from UV rays in the summer to prevent skin diseases. If your dog is prone to dermatitis or eczema, it is better to cut the hair short in the summer. But shaving the dog's body hair to cool down the effect is minimal. It can even cause bad effects, without the protection of the hair, it is more likely to be sunburned by UV rays. Clear the fluffy hair on the bottom of the feet will only help to cool down the dog.

I hope this knowledge will help you understand your dog better so that you can take care of your dog and spend every safe and wonderful summer together. 

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