Living near the beach is a dream for a lot of people. Every day you get to enjoy the sea breeze, go for a walk on the beach and surf in perfect weather. But, are you a gardening lover? If the answer is yes, then you need to know everything about sandy loam soils. Especially sandy soils near the sea. They keep less water and nutrients than other types of soil, and plants growing in sand are particularly susceptible to salt damage.

Soil is the substrate for plant root growth and provides water and nutrients to plants. Different types of soils have different water-holding capacities, drainage rates, and nutrient levels. And these factors can affect the plant's nutrients and thus its growth.

So in order, for you to understand how to do beach gardening, the following consolidated information about sandy soil should not be missed.

sand soil garden

(Planting in sandy soil) 

Understanding sandy soils

Sandy soils are coarse grains, fast water infiltration, poor water retention, and good aeration performance. Characterized by loose soil and high evaporation. Soil nutrient content is low and organic matter is lacking.

Pros and cons of sandy soil in the planting

The main advantage of planting with sandy soil is that sandy soil is extremely hydrophobic and can effectively prevent plants from rotting. And the sand in sandy soil can play a role in supporting the growth of plants.

But, good drainage in summer can create drought problems. Secondly, the ability to keep nutrients is also poor, and even if fertilizer is added it can easily run off.

sand soil

(Sand soil) 

How to improve sandy soil

If you want to use sandy soil to achieve better planting results, then it must be necessary to improve it. Here are a few ways to help you make sandy soil more beneficial to your plants.


First, apply a lot of organic fertilizers, which is the most effective way to improve sandy soil. Turn various organic substances, such as compost, leaves, and straw, into the soil at planting time.

It is best to pair them with soluble chemical fertilizers that are not easily lost. This will inevitably increase the fertility of the soil significantly and will also retain more water. Fertilizer is applied in small amounts and multiple applications.


The second method is to add mulch. Since sandy soils lose water more quickly, add a lot of products made from organic matter to the soil. Preferably fruit hulls or bark, which also adds nutrients to the soil as the mulch decomposes.




The last method is replanting. Planting vegetables such as beans during the open season between crops will add humus and nitrogen nutrients to the soil.

Plants suitable for sandy soil

Because sandy soil has strong drainage and air permeability, it is also relatively infertile. Thus, some drought-tolerant plants are suitable to be planted in sandy soil.


Aloe Vera:Green leaves, thick flesh with small thorns, fast growth, and good resistance to pests and diseases. Aloe Vera likes to grow in sandy soil and likes a warm growing environment. The suitable temperature for growth is 65 to 85 °F, and below 50 °F it will stop growing.

Snake Plant:It has a naturally weak root system, dominated by capillary roots. Such a root system requires high drainage of the soil and is suitable for planting in sandy soil. Raising snake plants in sandy soil will promote root development and absorb more water and nutrients.

It prefers to grow in a warm environment, with an optimum temperature of 60 to 85 °F. Keep warm in winter, as frost damage can occur below 40 °F. Note that proper shade is needed in the summer when the weather is hot.

Lavender:Suitable for dry growing conditions, lavender requires long periods of light and little water. Lavender does not like its roots to be constantly waterlogged, so sandy soil is most suitable. Suitable growing temperatures are 60 to 80 °F. Above 95 °F will result in yellowing and even drying of the foliage.

Flowers suitable for sandy soil

(Flowers suitable for sandy soil)

Vegetables and fruits

Radish: Looser, sandy soil is good for root expansion. The soil needs to be kept moist when planting and the appropriate growing temperature is 65 to 75 °F. Water the soil thoroughly after planting to help the seeds germinate, and wait until late spring or early summer to harvest.

Peanuts: Prefer dry, sandy soil, which is conducive to pistils reaching underground and expansion. The root growth of peanuts requires high permeability of the soil. In clay soils, it is easy to induce diseases due to root rot caused by water logging. And cause more serious damage to the growth and development. So sandy soil is more conducive to peanut harvest.

Watermelon: Not only are they more adaptable to sandy soils, but watermelons grown in sandy soils are of higher quality. This is usually due to the large temperature difference between day and night in areas with sandy soils. Also, the root system of watermelon needs a large supply of oxygen as a base during growth, and sandy soil is highly permeable and suitable for watermelon growth.

Watermelons need a lot of water and need to keep the soil moist but not soggy during growth. Once the fruit starts to swell and ripen, reduce watering. And you need to use a lot of organic matter to grow watermelon, which can be fertilized with liquid fertilizer at the beginning. When the plants start to flower almost to the fruiting stage, use fertilizers with less nitrogen.

Vegetables and fruits suitable for sandy soil

(Vegetables and fruits suitable for sandy soil) 

Maintenance of sandy soil and plants

Regular maintenance is essential for the long-term health and beauty of your beach garden. In particular, watering, pest control, and wind protection.


For sandy soils, the key is to provide deep watering. Deep watering encourages plants to develop a deep root system that draws water from the lower layers of the soil.

To do this, drip irrigation or soaker hoses can be used to deliver water directly to the base of the plant. This minimizes water loss due to evaporation. Water in the early morning or late evening to prevent excessive water loss through evaporation during hot times. Also using a raised garden bed allows for better water retention and makes it easier to add a variety of mulches.

drip irrigation

(Drip irrigation) 

Pest Control

Common pests that may be encountered among sandy soils include aphids, spider mites, and slugs. To control pests, encourage natural enemies by planting companion plants that attract beneficial insects. Preferably, the use of organic insecticidal soap can be effective in eliminating pests.


If the residence is close to the sea, then salt can damage plant foliage, and strong winds can cause dryness and damage. The easiest way to protect vulnerable plants is to use a protective barrier such as a fence or hedge. It is a good idea to regularly flush plants with fresh water to remove salt buildup.

Final Thoughts

Trying to garden in sandy soils presents unique challenges. However, with the right strategies and techniques, it is possible to achieve thriving plants. By understanding the nature of sandy soil, how to improve it, and choosing the right plants.

Plus using the right gardening tools. Your beach garden can flourish and become a vibrant oasis. Sandy soil can also produce beautiful blooms, creating harmony between the beauty of nature and the joy of gardening.

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