Fall is the prime time for herb planting. In the fall, you can plant annuals and perennial herbs. To harvest in the winter and early spring, provide an ideal growing environment for your herbs. Grow your herbs in an indoor grow tent or outdoor greenhouse. Here are 9 recommended herbs to grow in the fall.

9 Herbs to Grow During the Autumn


Calendula is also known as marigold. This plant prefers cool weather and is suitable for growing in autumn. If you want to grow calendula indoors, it is recommended to start planting in August-September. If you want to grow calendula in your garden, it is recommended to start before November. 

Choose the right spot for calendula: Calendula prefers well-drained soil and plenty of sunlight. You can plant calendulas in potted plants or garden beds. Calendula needs at least 6 hours of light per day.

dried calendula

(dried calendula)

Seeding. Calendula can be planted directly in soil or pots. The sowing depth is about 1/4 inch and the spacing is 6 to 12 inches. Keep the soil moist until the seeds germinate.

Watering. Water the calendula regularly. In times of drought, water calendula deeply once a week. If the soil is dry, water more frequently.

Fertilize. Growing calendula does not require much fertilizer. You can choose compost or balanced fertilizer to promote healthy calendula growth.

Protection against frost. While calendula tolerates mild frosts, extreme weather can damage them. In winter, you can protect the calendula with gardening wool. Or you can move the calendula indoors or in a greenhouse.

Regular pruning. Observe calendula regularly and cut dead branches and withered flowers. This prevents the plant from setting seeds too quickly.


Parsley is often used in salads, soups, and pasta dishes. If you're looking to grow parsley in the fall and harvest it quickly, we recommend starting your project in a greenhouse. Because parsley seeds are slow to germinate, you should sow parsley outdoors in early fall.

Light. Parsley thrives in full sun. While parsley can also grow in shade, the colors may be less vibrant.



Watering. Water parsley seeds regularly to encourage germination. Keep the soil constantly moist, but not waterlogged. Parsley will grow in many soils. However, to harvest good-quality parsley, it is recommended to add organic matter, such as compost, to the soil.

As parsley grows gradually, it needs more water. Parsnips need at least 1 to 2 inches of water per week.

Temperature and Humidity. Parsley grows best in mild climates between 50°F and 70°F. To protect parsley during the winter, it is recommended that it be grown in a greenhouse.

Pruning leaves. When parsley plants grow leaves, cut off excess leaves. The leaves should be 3 to 4 inches apart.


Cilantro is a common herb in backyards. Cilantro is a fast-growing herb with a pungent flavor. Many families use cilantro to flavor their cooking.

Light. Late summer and early fall is a great time to grow cilantro. Cilantro likes the short daylight hours and cooler temperatures of fall. Cilantro likes full sun. If growing indoors, you will need to use a grow tent and full spectrum plant lights to help with growing.

Herbs and Spices

(Herbs and Spices)

Soil. Provide cilantro with rich, well-drained soil. You can add perlite or pumice to your potting soil to promote drainage. If you want to grow cilantro directly in the ground or a garden bed, always keep the planting area moist but not waterlogged.


Sage is an herbaceous perennial that grows easily in the backyard or indoors. Sage has a strong, pungent flavor and is commonly used in cooking foods. Sage is commonly used to cook foods containing pork, cheese, and beans, often mixed with cheese or parmesan to make sauces.

Full Sun. Sage loves the sun. Plant sage in a sunny spot. Ensure at least 6 hours of light per day.

Soil: Well-drained soil is best for growing sage; sandy loam is best. Sage can also grow in average soil. pH 6.0 to 6.7 is best for growing sage.

purple sage

(purple sage)

Proper Spacing. Space single sage rows 20 inches to 26 inches apart.

Watering. Sage is a drought-tolerant plant. If you notice that the leaves are wilting, only a small amount of watering is needed to revitalize the plant.

Companion Planting. You can plant carrots, strawberries, tomatoes, and cabbage next to sage


Rosemary is a year-round evergreen herb. Rosemary is commonly used in cooking foods and making essential oils. Gardeners often plant rosemary in the spring or fall. Rosemary can be grown in a greenhouse, outdoor garden, or container. This plant is frost tolerant and can be grown in winter.

Location. A sunny and well-drained area is suitable for growing rosemary. Make sure there are no tall trees or shrubs next to it that could shade the plant.

Spacing. Rosemary needs to be spaced 2 to 3 feet apart. This shrub generally does not need a support structure such as a tomato cage.



Soil. Well-drained, sandy soil is best for rosemary. Do not choose heavy clay or soggy soil.    A slightly acidic soil with a pH of 6.0 to 7.0 is ideal.

Temperature and humidity. Rosemary loves warm weather. Many rosemary varieties cannot survive below 30 degrees. High humidity can lead to rot and fungus.


Thyme is an herbaceous perennial that grows best in dry and sunny conditions. It is a Mediterranean herb that is popular with gardeners. Thyme blends well with flavors like garlic, eggplant, and olive oil.

Thyme can be grown in any season of the year and ripened and harvested within a few months. Thyme is a hardy plant and can be protected with horticultural mulch during the winter months.

Light: Plant thyme in a sunny location. Get at least 6 to 8 hours of sunlight per day.



Soil. Sandy soil is suitable for thyme. Do not plant thyme in wet soil. If you want thyme to grow in pots, clay or terracotta pots are the best choice.

Temperature and humidity. Thyme has no special requirements for temperature and humidity. Thyme can thrive in most months of the year.

Fertilizer. You only need to treat thyme with a fertilizer diluted to half its strength.


Chives are a hardy perennial. It is a great companion plant to keep pests from invading your garden. Chives can be grown with carrots, tomatoes, celery, and lettuce. Chives are considered a cool season crop and grow best in the fall. Hot summer conditions can cause chives to go dormant.

Light. Chives grow best in sunny environments. But if the light is insufficient, chives can also tolerate low light.



Soil. The soil should be moist, fertile, and well-drained. The soil temperature should be between 60° and 70°F.

Compost. You can add nutrients to the soil by mixing compost or other organic matter.


Lavender is a beautiful plant. Lavender is often used to make scented capsules and essential oils. There are many varieties of lavender and not all lavender is suitable for planting in the fall. You will need to choose the right variety of lavender for your area and climate. Some varieties are more tolerant of lower temperatures and can withstand the challenges of fall and winter.

Light. Lavender needs full sun, six to eight hours of direct sunlight per day. Do not plant lavender in a shaded area.



Place. Make sure you choose a spot that is sheltered from strong winds. Strong winds can damage lavender plants.

Watering. Keeping the soil moist is important for lavender. Although lavender is drought tolerant, it still needs proper water to grow. Because lavender roots are prone to rot, do not overwater.

Prune. When early winter arrives, prune lavender plants to maintain shape. Avoid pruning plants frequently in the fall.


Echinacea is suitable for planting in the fall. Cooler temperatures and increased moisture in the air help Echinacea establish a strong root system before winter arrives. You will need to plant Echinacea six weeks before the first frost in your area.

Soil. Echinacea prefers well-drained soil but will grow in a variety of soils. During winter, you should always check your soil for drainage to prevent waterlogging.



Watering. Water newly planted Echinacea well to settle the soil. Keep the soil moist, but not waterlogged. You should water deeply, but not frequently.

Mulch. Cover the base of the Echinacea with a layer of organic mulch, such as straw or wood chips. Mulch helps retain moisture, suppresses weeds, and can insulate the roots in winter.

Benefits of growing herbs in a greenhouse

Growing all year round

In a greenhouse, you can regulate the temperature and maintain soil moisture depending on the type of plant. A greenhouse allows you to extend the growing season for your herbs, which means you can enjoy them year-round.

Protect against bad weather

Greenhouses provide a safe environment for herbs to grow. Even during the cold winter months, herbs won't be harmed by low temperatures. Greenhouses protect herbs from natural elements such as rain, snow, hail, and animals.

Prevents pests and animals from harming plants

Many animals like to try the herbs in your backyard, don't let them get away with it. A greenhouse provides a physical barrier for your herbs, stopping pests such as rodents and snails from entering the greenhouse.

Quality Backyard Greenhouse

20' x 10' x 6.6' Upgraded Large Walk-in Greenhouse

This upgraded greenhouse is perfect for fall and winter herb gardening. This greenhouse has two separate lockable doors. These two greenhouse doors can be locked with a chain. The unique greenhouse doors keep out pests and animals.

The top of the greenhouse has 4 sets of top hoops in addition to 3 rows of sturdy top bars. This design prevents snow and rain from damaging the top.

10' x 8' Pop Up Portable Walk-in Greenhouse

This greenhouse can be set up both indoors and outdoors. You can quickly set up a portable walk-in greenhouse. This greenhouse structure includes 2 extra reinforcing poles, 4 ropes, and 18 stakes. The extra-long cover makes the greenhouse more stable and enclosed. The three-position height adjuster gives you more options for growing herbs with different growing periods and heights.


Start now and get ready for your fall herb planting! Many herbs can thrive in the fall and winter! The greenhouse provides the ideal growing environment for herbs. Come to Quictent to find your ideal greenhouse for your herbs!

Gardening tips